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Creating a pipeline

To create a pipeline, go the Pipelines tab at the top and then press Add new pipeline. Give your pipeline a name, and then select a collection from the dropdown list.

Why do we need pipelines?#

The charts in Mongo Dash expect the data to be in a particular format, hence the MongoDB aggregation pipelines are a simple and flexible way to allow any data format to be compatible with Mongo Dash.

Pipeline stages#

In the pipeline stages area, type in your pipeline using correct JSON syntax. This means keys must be with double quotes ("), and no trailing commas can be present after the last entry in an array. The pipeline stages should be a series of objects, encased in an array [...].

View your data before a pipeline

To see what your data looks like without applying any pipeline steps, simply pass an empty array [] to the pipeline stages, and press Preview pipeline.

The pipeline stages are decoded from JSON in Python, and run using the .aggregate function in Python using the pymongo library, hence your pipeline aggregation stages must be compatible with that library.


Refer to the specific chart you are creating a pipeline for, to know what format your data needs to be in.